Floraferry: n.f. (lat. 'Flora' Roman goddess of flowers and 'ferrum' the iron): Imbroglio between nature and industry where the earth has not been polluted, but fertilized by the industry. It gave birth to a metaphorical and poetical landscape made out of green iron and mechanical plants. The earth, contaminated by trashes and industrial pollution, is about to face an almost inevitable ecological disaster. Today, it seems that she seizes those elements stranger to her soil and that a fusion takes place between the metal and the plants. Flora is activating, plants are operating, flowers are lighting up, melodic mechanisms are setting off, nothing is normal, the industry is possessed, the machines are breathing and the mechanic is growing.
This phenomenon of evolution called 'floraferry' reveals a universe postapocalyptic where the nature sees a new form of hybrid life growing up inside itself, allowing strangeness to invade the Space stage design.
This universe is turning into life through a stage design made of mechanical and poetical sculptures that transforms the space while it adapts itself to the environment in which it is establishing.
Guided by characters, the visitor discovers this strange universe that seems to be looking at him. Immersed in an enchanting sonorous atmosphere, he roams and activates those sculptures that turn out to be interactive. He understands then that his own movements put the mechanic into work, he becomes the main actor to make this mysterious world live.
When night time comes, another atmosphere takes place, flowers are setting on fire and the plants are shining. This microcosm becomes dreamlike... lunar...
This sculpture represents the simplicity, the tranquillity and the beauty of love. The arms bend to form an iron heart around the curious which sit down there.
Like a mangrove in perpetual motion, she reveals as one goes along an object at the heart of her roots.
Just taken from the ground, these big mechanical plants articulate the long neck to follow the passer-by.
Pipes of boiler room spring from the ground! A strange sound surrounds us... That we bang them or that we touch them, these two monumental structures carry us by their magic because they are of really huge musical instruments...
These plants, though calm and immobile, are real carnivores and await the passage of the public to devour him.
Real vegetable pustules and lianas in trees scrums, we discover a diffuse light which gives one rings soft and warm in these deformed plants.
In the freshness of the night the flowers of metal knew how to adapt themselves and bring a redeeming fire...
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